Get briefed last

When you go into production on a TVC, you brief 3 different directors. The first one you brief has a practical advantage - time. Often he or she will get briefed a couple of days before the third one. So they have some more time to craft their treatment. But I reckon the slot you want is the last one. Why? Because as a creative, I reckon my third briefing is the best one. And my first one can be a bit rubbish. There are things I haven’t thought through - the first briefing often happens the day after the script is approved by client. The act of talking about it with a director sharpens up my view about this or that. And it focuses my mind on what are the few key things that need to be nailed, for the spot to be a success. By the time I get to the third director, my brief is clear and concise. He or she might have less time, but I reckon they are in a great position to win the job.