Judging New York Festival (from Beaconsfield)

I’m going to be a judge for the New York Festival Advertising Awards in 2020. I’m on the ‘Grand Jury’ - sounds impressive, doesn’t it? In reality, it’s just the online jury. There will be no junket to NYC, I’ll just be watching a lot of case studies online. I explained this to a mate yesterday, an engineer. His take: “They should call it something more accurate, like ‘Online Jury’”. I laughed and tried to explain that the preening peacocks of my industry would not be suitably fluffed and flattered by a name like that, and wouldn’t rush to be a part of it or add it to their resume. FWIW, I would do it regardless of the name - just because I’ve never judged an international show before and I think it will be interesting. I would do it, but I probably wouldn’t be posting about it if it were called the Online Jury. It’s funny the difference a word can make. It can make peacocks of us all.

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