IKEA 'Silence the critics'

Saw this cracking Xmas spot from IKEA UK yesterday. It’s a complete ad - the insight around ‘home shame’ is spot on (and home shame is a shared experience, so there’s a good chance you will share this with your wife, flatmate etc). The writing is razor sharp. The craft of the direction, the post, the music - all top notch.

It’s the kind of script a lot of clients would reject, saying something like ‘We feel this concept focuses too much on the negative. The positive and the product only appears at the very end of the script. Can we leverage the ‘home shame’ insight in a more positive way?’ There is a whole blog post to be written about that persistent bit of feedback, I will save that for another day. The main thing is the client did buy the script, they embraced a musical genre that you rarely see in advertising, they paid top dollar for Tom Kuntz…and I think all of those decisions paid off handsomely. Don’t you?