My learnings since starting an OnlyFans

At the back end of last year I decided to start an OnlyFans. AMOK had turned five years old - five years of being creatively promiscuous - and I thought I would celebrate by getting an OF page, and slanging some free ideas on there. A bit of a gag, sure - but not just a gag. As I discuss in my video about it, I have long had a suspicion that we undervalue the ‘first thoughts’ that come to us on a brief. Obviously 5 minutes of thinking will never be as good as 5 days - but I think the gulf isn’t as wide as most people would like to think it is.

Anyway, I thought the OF stunt was the perfect way to test it. I’d make the ideas free to begin with, to try and motivate people over the barrier of creating an OnlyFans account. It would also skirt any issues CCO’s might have with their finance department. I would fire out some quick turnaround ideas from my DMs. And we might find that there is market for them. And once we did, I might up the price from $0 to some nominal amount like $250. The ideas would of course be a bit hit and miss, but they’d be super cheap, and they wouldn’t soak up much of my time. I thought it could become an interesting solve for availability issues. When an agency contacts me about a job but I’m flat out on other projects, I wouldn’t have to just say no - I could at least point them to my OnlyFans for a ‘quick and dirty idea’.

That was the plan. It didn’t go at all to plan. Everyone got a kick out of the gag, almost no one hit me up for a quick and dirty idea. As is stand the total stats are:

  • 100 visits to my OF page

  • 0 subscribers

  • 0 DMs

  • 1 person who hit me up for a free idea over email but didn’t open an OF account - Simon Joyce at Emotive

  • 1 person who was prompted to send me a brief by the stunt…but insisted on paying me!

I thought the uptake for FREE ideas would be way higher. I guess people either thought I was joking, or they didn’t think that the quick turnaround ideas would be any good. But they are wrong about that. Just yesterday I presented some brand platforms to a big network agency. I had spent a couple of days on it, and I think I shared 15 or 16 of them. But where was all the love? The line that everyone loved was the one I scribbled down 5 minutes after taking the brief. It warrants further investigation. And folks my OnlyFans remains open for business - for anyone who is brave enough to slide into my DM’s.